Thrive To Lead by Kristen Schimtt

In Love with Your Own Ideas

Written by Kristen Schmitt | Sep 26, 2019 12:00:00 PM

I love to plan. I love to plan! Planning is a skill that has served me very well over the years. I’m organized. I get things done. I feel a sense of accomplishment. 

Yesterday was a great example. I reviewed my weekly to-do list, determined which tasks I would complete during each hour of the day, and I finished them all. Go me!

There is a dark side to all my happy planning. When others introduce a different plan, my first thought is to immediately reject it for reasons completely unrelated to merit. I have it in my head that things will progress and play out in a certain way. Depending upon how much I have going on, an alternate plan might even send me sideways. 

This exact thing often happens in the generation of ideas.  We get a thought in our head, decide that it is great, and we want to run with it. This is natural. When we develop a new theory, or a strategy for solving a problem, it makes us feel good. Our egos as fed. Unfortunately, it causes us to shut out others’ notions, which limits the possibilities.

The next time someone gives you an idea that you at first disagree with, explore it more. Ask why. Ask yourself why. Embrace a growth mindset. 

Sometimes the best plans and the best ideas are the ones that are far beyond our comprehension.