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"I was very fortunate to have Kristen as a coach - she helped me prioritize areas for self-improvement, importantly, bringing out my 'more organized' self. She was excellent at listening and helping me work through various issues such as incorporating more personal time in my schedule, improving my effectiveness in conducting meetings, and developing a way to deal with different personalities and challenging situations in an empathetic manner. Her coaching style helped me make simple changes that brought impactful results into my professional and personal life."

— Padma Narayan, Pharmaceutical Development, Sage Therapeutics
Padma Narayan

Janie Mitchell
"Kristen is a caring and intentional leader. She pushes you through asking meaningful questions and recognizes each person has a different journey on their road to success. I highly recommend Kristen as a coach."

— Janie Mitchell, Purchasing Information & Systems Manager, Ford Motor Company

"Kristen's coaching was invaluable to me during my career transition. She inspired me to look harder inside myself and open myself to greater possibilities, in part through giving me assignments that helped me focus on what was most important and meaningful. I also experienced Kristen's leadership, as she managed me in a previous role. As a manager, she kept things in perspective and allowed for a healthy work-life balance. Kristen really knows how to build a strong sales team. She created a culture of trust, collaboration, and fun, which resulted in stellar team performances."

— Christine Ngau-Tibbits, Sales Representative, Wolters Kluwer
Christine Ngau Tibbits