
Executive Coaching

As a former sales leader, I understand the power of exceptional teams and the value of coaching each individual to meet their unique needs. Now, as a coach, I partner with growth-focused leaders who aspire to achieve remarkable goals and make a positive impact on their work and the lives of others. My unique career journey, years of experience as an award-winning sales leader, and a fierce commitment to your success are the tools I bring to the table. Together, we can unlock your full potential and help you make a significant difference in your professional and personal life.

Promoted early and often, I reached the corporate VP level by 30 and chose to step away at 35 to prioritize my well-being and my family. Having been in your shoes, I understand the importance of developing and nurturing yourself to be at your best for your team and organization.

Through our collaboration, you will not only uncover your blind spots and decide what action you want to take. You will also embark on a journey of personal and professional development, upping your strategy game, balancing your priorities, and gracefully managing difficult people. You will navigate work and life with more ease, making those around you better in the process.

You deserve to work and live at your very best. Let me help you get there.


"Kristen is amazing as a coach! She made her coaching so real for me and helped me be more thoughtful about my development."

— Jonathan Yoon, AVP, Nationwide Insurance

"Kristen's coaching was instrumental in preparing me for sales leadership. A master strategist, she possesses the uncommon ability to always be thinking 'biggest picture possible,' and has an incredible track record of success. I highly recommend Kristen."

— Brian Olinger, Senior Director of Customer Success, Aktivate
Brian Olinger