
Positive Intelligence

Transform from Self-Sabotage to Self Mastery
Adam McGraw-1
This has been the most impactful training I ever experienced. You develop powerful mental muscles to deal with challenges with much less stress and greater clarity, creativity, and resilience. Every sales professional would benefit greatly from this.

— Adam McGraw, Sales VP & GM, American Express

I have partnered with Positive Intelligence Inc. to facilitate a 6-week program offered by the CEO and Founder, Shirzad Chamine. The author of the New York Times best-seller, Positive Intelligence, Shirzad is also a lecturer at Stanford. In this 6-week program, you will learn to rewire your brain for peak performance and happiness. 

Kristen Schmitt greywash

I had a very successful career as a sales leader and now, as an executive coach. However, much of my achievement over time was driven by fear. I expected perfection from myself and beat myself up when I fell short. I dissected and judged past actions and felt extreme anxiety about what could go wrong in the future. I pretty much sucked at living in the present.  PQ broke these unhealthy thought patterns. This course was life changing for me.

  • I am more productive.
  • I can quiet my inner critic.
  • I am more present.
  • I am happier.

Boost Mental Fitness to Achieve and Thrive

I am offering this course because it had such a profound impact on me. I’m tying this great content to my coaching. I want to help you move away from your fear-driven emotions. This program works because it rewires our brains by building three core mental muscles:

Saboteur Interceptor Muscle: Our internal saboteurs are the source of all negative emotions. We learn to recognize them and weaken them.

Sage Muscle: Our sage is the source of positive emotion and enables us to handle challenges with a clear and calm mind. We learn to tap into our inner wisdom.

Self-Command Muscle: We are not in complete command of our minds. We learn to use 10-second exercises, called PQ reps, to grow in mental fitness and shift from negative thoughts to positive.


Product Strip

"Before going through the Positive Intelligence program led by Kristen. I felt stuck in a lot of negative thought patterns, both personally and professionally. The Positive Intelligence program easily provides a way to build your mental fitness over time. Just like working out at the gym. And I had Kristen as my coach to push, guide, and encourage me through the program, and hold me accountable to ensure I was doing the daily repetitions. Over time, I started understanding what I needed to do differently to have healthy relationships. And truly being more positive. Now, I better understood my frustrations when they surface, and I have tools to use to manage them.Thanks to Kristen and the program, I’m more positive, and I’m handling life’s challenges in a much more positive way."

— Joel Kessel, President, Kessel Strategies
Joel Kessel - Testimonial Headshot

Program Details


  • Three one-hour individual coaching sessions to get to your "why" and help you achieve the same lasting change that I have found.
  • Watch 1-hour weekly video (on weekend or Monday).
  • Meet 1-hour weekly in a group coaching session with me to launch, engage with others in the program, discuss progress, and answer questions.
  • Invest 15 minutes/day of Coach Challenge and PQ Reps practice on the Positive Intelligence app.
  • Read eight chapters of Positive Intelligence book (PDF provided).
  • Maintain access to the Positive Intelligence app for one year with new content each week to keep growing your mental fitness.


Sarah Irvin PR-1
"Through the Positive Intelligence course and my work with Kristen and our cohort, I was able to uncover and label some critical things in my life that were holding me back (those pesky saboteurs!) in both my personal life and at work. What I really love about this work, though, is, that I learned to accept the “bad” things that happen (or even negative emotions such as worry of fear) and/or turn them into a gift and opportunity. Since taking this course and practicing with PQ reps daily, I have been able to tamp down my saboteurs and engage my sage to do just that."

— Sarah Irvin Clark, President, Irvin PR